Your loan interest will be determined based on the amount of your loan. If you took our a loan of $100, and paid off the total amount of your loan in 1 week (7 days) you would pay only $7.10 in interest. Loans from Money 4 You Loans can be taken out for up to 18 months and we never charge any pre-payment penalties. Loyal customers with a good standing for 18 months can qualify for our Diamond Tier Rate which reduces the loan by 50% APR.
NEW! New Customers of Money 4 You Loans can now qualify for HALF OFF APR Rate on a 60 Day loan up to $500. This means if you’re a new customer and took out a loan of $100 for 1 week (7 days) you would only pay $3.55 in interest during that week. We never charge any pre-payment penalties and you can always pay off your loan early.